Daily Charting : Algorithm and Code

EOD Data:
The data using which a Chartist/Technical-Analyst such as myself, makes the trading decisions is the End-Of-Day data. I use several data vendors to download the End-Of-Day data for Equities, Indexes, ETF and Mutual Funds. The data-feed can be in multiple formats - some open - some propritary - but no matter what format, ultimately it's always possible to generate a CSV format that has columns Name, Ticker, Date, Open, High, Low, Close and Volume such as given below.

  1. Get the site password for FTP-ing to salilgangal.com
  2. Read the CSV file into a Pandas dataframe
  3. Create a Python List of the ETFs for charting
  4. Loop over the list one ETF at a time
    • Create a Pandas dataframe for the current ETF
    • Initialize a MatPlotLib figure
    • Make a subplot of the dataframe for the current ETF
    • Format the subplot and place it on the figure
    • Save the figure as a PNG image
  5. FTP the images to salilgangal.com site

Python Code:
Following image shows the Python code for the Daily Charting in Spyder IDE.

Execution of Python Code:
Following image of the DOS CMD window shows the execution for the python code ... took just 7 seconds to complete ...

The charts:
To see the outcome surf over to Financial_Markets : Visual Summary.

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